Red Hands

Animation/Short Film, Italy 2018

In this emotionally charged short film, we follow the story of Ernest, a bright but sheltered 12-year-old boy who leads a solitary life. His world takes a fascinating turn when he stumbles upon captivating crimson wall art created by a mysterious girl named Luna, who is 14 years old. Luna possesses a remarkable gift, the ability to conjure vivid red hues from her fingertips, allowing her to channel her extraordinary talent. However, beneath the enchanting facade of her talent lies a grim reality: Luna's father, Furio, is a man with a dark and violent nature. As their friendship deepens, Luna vanishes suddenly, leaving Ernest to summon his inner courage and embark on a daring mission to rescue the enigmatic girl he has grown to adore. This heartwarming and suspenseful short film artfully combines a medley of animation techniques to portray distinct emotional states, from dreams and aspirations to the complexities of real life. It navigates themes relevant to teenagers and young adults, including the power of profound friendship, the constraints of authority figures, and the complex dynamics with parents. All the while, it weaves in an undercurrent of ominous tension, making it a film not intended for younger audiences.
31 min
Starting at 12
Audio language:


Red Rock Film Festival 2019, USA Winner - Grand Jury Prize - Best Fiction Featurette Winner - Grand Jury Prize - Best Animation Short

More information

Sound Design:

Riccardo Nanni


Michele Fasano


Francesco Filippi (Animation)

Original title:

Mani Rosse

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 12

Audio language:


